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Advisory Council

Douglas Johnston, Co-Chair

President and Founder of the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy, distinguished graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Douglas also is the former planning officer with the President’s Office of Emergency Preparedness and served as the Executive Vice President and COO of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Henry Rosovsky, Co-Chair

Often spoken of as the most distinguished educational planner and administrator of the second part of the 20th century, he is Professor and Dean Emeritus at Harvard University and an economist who specializes on Japan and East Asia.


Don Shriver, Co-Chair

One of the outstanding Christian theologians thinking about social conflict and international affairs, he has produced important studies of forgiveness and assessments of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Mr. Shriver is former President of and Professor Emeritus at Union Theological Seminary.


Yosef Abramowitz, President and CEO of Energiya Global Capital and Co-Founder of the Arava Power Company.

Akbar Ahmed, Ambassador and  Professor, American University

Maya Cohen, Founding Chairman, WIZO – USA

Michael Freed, Banker and Lawyer

Reuven Gal, Founder and Former Director, National Civic Service, Israel

Moushumi Khan, Director, Legal and Compliance, BRAC Centre

Henry Kaminer, Psychiatrist, Kaminer Family Foundation

Katherine Marshall, World Bank, Georgetown University

Ulrich Michel, Professional mediator and lawyer, partner of the law firm Nörr Stiefenhofer Lutz

Mary Moorman, Southern Methodist University

William Overholt, Senior Research Fellow at Ash Institute, Harvard Kennedy School

Thomas E. Peckham, Partner, Morgan Lewis

Walter Reich, Professor, George Washington University


Daniel Rose, President, Rose Associates


Terry Rosenberg, Executive Coach, Consultant, and Leadership Developer


David Saperstein, US Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom

Jean-Louis Sarbib, Managing Director at Wolfensohn and Company, L.L.C., Chair of the Board, Gateway Foundation, and retired Senior Officer at the World ​Bank ​


Peggy Shriver, Poet, National Council of Churches

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